Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Idea

It was just like any other Friday in September or so we thought.  We met at Sangria's to "relax" and chat about the week with the girls.  All of us were talking and someone made the comment of how their students liked to save their fruit from lunch  for snack later. Then, the idea of starting some sort of program to help the kids at our school, Indian Creek, came up.  This program would help get food to the table for the students who we knew would often go hungry.  Why did we not have a program like that at the school?  After our gathering, we went home our separate ways, but the idea remained in our minds.

A few days later, we met at Chili's for queso (so yummy!), dinner, and to further discuss the idea.  Over the course of about two hours, we decided that this was something that we really wanted to do for our students. On scraps sheet of paper, we tried to come up with our logo.  The name of the program would be, "Brown Bags." We wanted a name that we could use later on as the program expands.  A bag could be filled with anything.  We would first focus on providing food and eventually, clothing and school supplies. 

The more we discussed the idea and concept, the more excited we got.  Our next step was figuring out who we could ask for help.

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