Friday, December 16, 2011

A Generous Family

The holiday season is a time of giving.  Today we met a family who decided to forgo presents and instead give donations to a family that needs it more.  We went with the family to the home of Ceu and Van Par.  Ceu is a Kindergarten student in Diana's class and Van Par is his sister in Caitlin's third grade class.  They gave Ceu and Van Par's family gift cards to various stores so that they may by food and clothing.  The siblings' father, Hay Thang, was overwhelmed with the graciousness and kindness.  Before leaving the home, Hay Thang wanted to take a picture of the this generous family to send home to Burma so that he could show them the people who were so kind to his family.  

1 comment:

  1. A truly touching story. You are an inspiration for us all!
