Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Show Must Go ON!!

As we were setting up the tables and distributing the food to the various containers for packing, there was a loud crash, and the lights went out!!  There was complete darkness in that room.  Within a few seconds of going into darkness, people started to use their cell phones to continue distributing the food, while others ran to their cars to find flashlights and Rev. George went to find candles.  

Candlelit topshelf

Flashlights and candles :)

We learned as volunteers continued to show up that the electricity was out within a mile radius or so of the church.  Even without power, people showed up to help.  Amazingly, we packed bags with candlelight.  It was a beautiful and touching sight!  To have so many people show their love and support for this program...there are no words to express our gratitude.

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