Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Clean Up Time!

Indian Creek Elementary School's P.E. teacher, Coach Ross, has been instrumental in helping the school get "beautified." We have had a huge dirt field for the past few years. After many hours of work and calls, Coach Ross helped to turn our dirt field into a beautiful, green field last spring.  In addition, he has been recruiting volunteers and having campus beautification days to help clean up the school and to show the community that we do care.

This year, thanks to Coach, we are also having more campus beautification days.  The next one is coming up this Saturday, October 13 from 9am-1pm.  We need all the help we can get!  Ms. Rawlins, one of the people who have been instrumental in helping Coach Ross, has gotten the CrossRoadsNews to write an article about the work being done at Indian Creek and how much more work needs to be done.  Check out the article here!

So, if you have time this Saturday, please come out and help us!

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